Our exam preparation division sees more enrolments and success stories than any other institution in Nepal. In 2011, more than 3000 students prepared for the above mentioned courses at APEX.
Our TOEFL iBT classes hail back to before the iBT was launched worldwide. APEX was also the first private institute to have an approved iBT test center in Nepal.
We lead the market in Nepal as far as IELTS is concerned. More than 1200 students took this course alone at APEX in 2011.
Our SAT classes have seen success repeated manifold. Scores of 1800+ are common at APEX and a handful of students have scored in excess of 2000 and 2200 respectively.
Our GRE classes offer more detailed insights into the Revised GRE than any other such course in Nepal. Our emphasis on a blend of reasoning abilities and vocabulary have seen APEX become the most popular institute for GRE preparation since the launch of the Revised GRE.
GMAT is a traditional strength at APEX. Since 2002, we have been teaching the most GMAT students in Nepal. APEX now follows in the Best Practices tradition espoused by GMAC. This means that our preparation classes for GMAT are based solely on the content of the official material.
Learn Languages at APEX
Based on the communicative approach, English Language Courses at APEX prepares learners for life in English. It combines the best in current EFL methodology with innovative new features designed to make learning and teaching easier. There is a strong emphasis on speaking and listening throughout the course, and the practice activities in each lesson provide frequent opportunities for realistic, natural interaction. The course seeks to fully engage the students at every stage of the lesson, and its approach to new language draws on what students have already learned and encourages them to work out rules of grammar and usage themselves. Our foreign language classes in Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German and French are also highly appreciated.